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Tips for Turning Pain into Power

Tinevimbo Jakarasi is a passionate and budding women’s health and life coach. She is the founder of As I Am Foundation and Zimbabwe Endometriosis Support Network. She has been in the community development sector for many years and her work has gotten her accolades such as Most Inspirational Woman, Obama Foundation Leader, and Top 20 most influential young people in Zimbabwe, amongst other titles. She is also the author of a book titled Turning Pain into Power: The Journey of an Endometriosis Warrior. Despite living with a disease called Endometriosis and living with chronic pain, she is determined to see women lead, win and thrive.

Tine Jakarasis' tips on how to turn pain into power : 1. Accept what is going on. 2. Realize that this is not your fault. 3. Understand your why. Why are you going through this? Why you? 4. Remember that this is not happening to you. It’s happening for you. 5. It’s okay to have low days during the process. But don’t stay there. Get up.

6. Find a way to use this pain as a source of power. How can this help someone else? 7. Empower yourself with information about your current situation. 8. Be brave. Speak out. Whatever you speak out is no longer hidden. 9. Protect your energy. Surround yourself with people and things that are for you and serve you.

10. Remember without rain, there are no flowers. This too shall pass. Make the pain count for something.

You can follow Tine on Instagram @tine.jakarasi


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