An Interview with Amie Rule, Quantum Energy and Holistic Therapy Coach

Amie is a quantum energy and holistic therapy coach, assisting individuals with health conditions, in particular, those with chronic pain disorders and autoimmune conditions.
Amie’s specialty is to not only look at your physical symptoms but to assess the metaphysical properties underlying your symptoms. To do this, Amie focuses on providing a combination of natural holistic therapy, inner child healing, trauma healing, loss and grief coaching, and life coaching. Amie’s focus is for individuals to reclaim their life and their power, despite their pain and health conditions, and for each individual on earth to live a life full of abundance and freedom.
Tell me about yourself and what motivated you to start blogging or your business?
My business was created on the premise that after struggling with chronic pain and autoimmune conditions for over a decade, I realized how big a gap there was within the market and the approach to treat people with chronic pain and autoimmune conditions is very backwards. With chronic pain and autoimmune conditions on the rise, the mainstream approach is to reduce the symptoms, yet the symptoms continue to present themselves with the individual’s worsening over time. Rarely do we have practitioners providing an integrated approach to treating and managing pain, and empowering individuals to be their own health and medical advocates.
1. What do you find most challenging about blogging or running your business?
Relinquishing the fears attached to launching anything new. Initially this was the fear attached with being a mum and having chronic pain and fatigue issues, then it was the fears attached to peoples' opinions of my writing and blogging. Then it was the fears attached to launching a new business, and now it is creating a self sustaining business. Ultimately, what I have discovered is that any challenge is really associated with a fear that I need to break through or relinquish the false narratives associated with what we define as successful. When the fears and challenges emerge, I take a step back, assess what is truly important to me, take a break, re-prioritize and things seem to always flow better.
2. Describe your experiences with some of the people you’ve met while blogging or doing business?
Fun and rewarding. Any encounter, whether it through social media, through word of mouth, through networking or through my business has been a vehicle for me to learn something new about myself or to open up my eyes to their view of the world and their perspective. When you hold no attachment and you only hold people in positive regard and esteem, there are only positives! I’ve rarely been exposed to trolls or bullying, and I believe that is because I don’t allow nor engage in these conversations. I stay true to my frequency, my values and my beliefs.
3. What networking do you do that helps your blogging or business?
Due to having fatigue and chronic pain, I make a conscious decision to not over-exert myself, nor to self-promote myself. This means that I don’t do a lot of networking outside of my business and blogging, but I believe that you network when you develop relationships with people in an authentic manner - that is, not trying to sell to them.
4. How do you come up with material/content for your business or blog and keep ideas fresh?
I have always held the premise that if I can impact just one person, then I have done my job! I think most bloggers ideally want to have a huge global presence, but having the ability to truly impact one person is just as rewarding. As such, my content is always written from the heart. It is based upon personal experiences and is based upon divine inspiration that I believe will create impact for people and allow them to see things from a different perspective. I do believe that people are searching for more authentic content these days and things to help to empower and inspire them.
5. What’s your strategy with your blog or business in general?
Trust, trust, trust. Have fun. Don’t sweat the small nor the big stuff. There is no right nor wrong, only lessons. Enjoy what you are creating and if you aren’t, change the path.
6. What’s the best thing a blogger can give to his readers or a business can give its customers?
Value, value, value!!!
7. What are some tips for people interesting in making money from blogging? What are some realistic expectations in regards to what can be made?
Not sure yet but I would love to know! I’m currently writing a book to get my message out further.
8. What has been your strategy for creating visibility to yourself and / or your blog?
Sharing in an authentic manner and never being afraid to be vulnerable.
9. What was the most challenging moment in your blog content development process or starting your business and why?
Finding the balance between my personal life, with healing and supporting my health and wellness, and to not let chronic pain detract me from my purpose in life. Too many of us think we have a prison term when it comes to chronic pain and illness.
10. If someone was interested in blogging or starting a new business, what would be a few things you would suggest?
Enjoy the process and celebrate your success, no matter how big, nor small. Too many of us are focused on running the marathon and getting to the finish line. Rarely do we take the time to enjoy the journey and the creation of what we have developed.
Also, dream big. Dream as big as you can, sit in the frequency, believe in the impossible and enjoy the ride.

Reach out to Amie:
Facebook: Amie Rule